Indoor Cruising Robot

Milestone recording

Inherited from the Autonomous Delivery Vehicle project, I used three UWB anchors and one UWB tag to achieve indoor localization. Meanwhile, thanks to TensorRT, I accelerated the inference speed of the collision space segmentation model used in the previous project to 3x. Moreover, I built an app using swift to enable the remote control between an iPhone and the vehicle through Bluetooth.



ROS nodes structures
Segmentation networks

Segmentation Network Structure (R. Fan, H. Wang, P. Cai, and M. Liu, ‘SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentation for Accurate Freespace Detection’, p. 17.)

It took both RGB image and depth map as input, used ResNet as feature extraction backbone to extract features at different scales and upsampled to the original size.

The dataset included 1061 outdoor samples and 512 indoor samples. The dataset was splited into training/validation/test set in the ratio of 6:2:2.
Segmentation results
The PyTorch model was converted to ONNX then to TensorRT inference engine. Several inference precision was tested. The performance comparison with TensorRT acceleration:
Original FP32 FP16 INT8 Acceleration
18-layers ResNet 2.11 2.54 5.21 6.70 120.38%/246.92%/317.54%
34-layers ResNet 1.71 2.12 4.85 6.34 123.98%/283.63%/370.76%
Frame rate loss 18.96% 16.54% 6.91% 5.37%

After the machine perception results were obtained, the decision on the steering of the vehicle should be inferred based on the existing information. To achieve the smooth and safe autonomous operation, the decision making should satisfy following rules: 1) Always go towards the direction with both less obstacles and the global target; 2) When there is not enough empty space in the central front, search possible available path on two sides and temporarily ignore the global target to bypass the obstacle; 3) When there is no path available, stop in place.

The path planning was based on local path planning and global path planning. These two types of path planning will generate steering decision respectively and finally integrated to get a comprehensive result.
For localization, totally four UWB modules were used, which included three modules operated as Anchors and one module operated as a Tag. The localization accuracy test was carried out at Lobby A on the first floor of IEB, UNNC. The layout of the anchor modules and the coordinate assignment was shown in Figure below. The anchor modules were installed on tripods with 2.1meters height and placed at three corners of the room. The tag module was placed at several different spots within the area enclosed by the anchors.

The A* algorithm would continuously generate a path from the current position to the target position as a series of waypoints in the pre-defined coordinates
Finally I got the best final year project prize of our department!